Job Title:

Parts Enthusiast

What year did you start working for Babbitt's?


Hobbies and Interests:

Guitar and Motocross

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Kind, humerous, and passionate

Favorite movie or show:

Karate Kid

Favorite superhero and why? 

Spider-Man! I'm a fan of his spidey senses. 

What is your favorite machine?

Yamaha YZ125

If your life had a soundtrack what song would play?

Hall of Fame

Favorite Season:


2 things people would be surprised to know about you:

I know a lof of magic tricks and I'm color blind. 

If you could meet one person, who would it be and why?

Nikki Sixx - He created the best band of all time! 

What inspires you?


What is your favorite quote?

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."

What would you most likely tell your 15 year old you?

Don't worry as much!